Absolutely, our tutors are top-tier.
Let's discover the perfect one to meet your needs.

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Changing Lives, Creating Smiles.

Our primary goal is not just to teach a language; it is to change lives, broaden horizons, create cultural connections, and help our students develop confidence, openness, empathy, and emotional intelligence, which are crucial for personal growth and career development in today's world.

You'll find our tutees everywhere.

We carefully select the finest tutors: bilingual, highly professional, and passionate about engaging with their students.

They are all bilingual, highly professional, and passionate about engaging with students. TUTEEMI offers one-on-one tutoring, tailored to the needs of each student, ensuring a focused and effective learning environment. We adjust their teaching styles according to each tutees's unique learning preferences, facilitating faster and more comprehensive language learning.

Our tutors come from diverse cultural backgrounds, providing not only language skills but also deeper cultural understanding. Each tutor is carefully selected based on their expertise, teaching experience, and ability to establish a relationship with their tutees.

Why do people choose TUTEEMI over other companies ?

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Our Experience
Since 2019, TUTEEMI has been a leader in personalized tutor matching in Taiwan, offering exceptional service with top-rated tutors and a dedicated advisory team to help students achieve their language learning goals.

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Our Extraordinary Customer Experience
At TUTEEMI, we exceed expectations with our dedicated team ready to assist anytime. Just message us for immediate, effective support and enjoy a smooth learning experience.

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Our Global Mindset
TUTEEMI connects students with top bilingual tutors from around the world. Our tutors offer diverse cultural perspectives, teaching languages and fostering global understanding by breaking down cultural barriers through education.

A word from our tutees:

How TUTEEMI works:

It's very simple and only takes a few minutes. Apply, and a customer experience agent will gladly assist you step by step.
Prospective students will go through a friendly and simple screening process to determine their language level. This includes placement tests that help our team understand the best way to support and guide each student on their language learning journey.
Once the analysis is complete, our tutors will customize each student's learning experience to fit their unique needs. Is the student a visual learner? An auditory learner? No problem! Our Tuteemi tutors are experts at adapting their teaching methods to ensure each student fast-tracked, getting the most out of their lessons.
5 star

Say hello to Taiwan's top-ranked tutoring service on Google.


這確實是我合作過最好的公司之一,他們提供了豐富的資源和活動支持,以及出色的溝通和規劃!從一開始我就感到非常受歡迎!此外,從學生的角度來看,他們的價值觀和教學方法非常適合培養英語流利度!我強烈推薦給大家 ☺️

再次感謝 Tuteemi 團隊的出色支持和社群 🙏

這確實是我合作過最好的公司之一,他們提供了豐富的資源和活動支持,以及出色的溝通和規劃!從一開始我就感到非常受歡迎!此外,從學生的角度來看,他們的價值觀和教學方法非常適合培養英語流利度!我強烈推薦給大家 ☺️

再次感謝 Tuteemi 團隊的出色支持和社群 🙏

與 Tuteemi 團隊合作從一開始就很棒!這裡的環境不僅熱情友好,而且非常適合學習和專業成長。 你們的快速協助、高效率和善良真的很突出。我非常感謝你們在各方面的支持。期待更多的合作項目!感謝你們對導師和學生的出色支持

與 Tuteemi 團隊合作從一開始就很棒!這裡的環境不僅熱情友好,而且非常適合學習和專業成長。 你們的快速協助、高效率和善良真的很突出。我非常感謝你們在各方面的支持。期待更多的合作項目!感謝你們對導師和學生的出色支持



