Leave the Classroom

Updated: May 5
5 reasons why private tutoring should be your goal!
TUTEEMI is the first platform that connects foreigners with locals in Taiwan, eliminating language and culture barriers. We believe home tutoring creates a deeper connection, helps students speak a language faster and it even boosts their self-esteem. We want foreigners to help Taiwan achieve its goal to become more international and bilingual with TUTEEMI tutors . Here are 5 main reasons why you should consider becoming a TUTEEMI tutor.
1. Create a real impact
Are you tired of standing for hours in front of a whiteboard asking your students to be quiet? Us too! It gets really frustrating when you want to teach something new but you can’t really feel like you’re creating an impact at all. Do you feel like you’re wasting your time? When it comes to tutoring it is definitely the other way around. You have one student and his or her full attention, you have the control over what you think is suitable for your student to learn . Remember, not everyone learns the same way! Some need to read, some need to write and others learn faster watching videos and chatting. Create a real impact, one student at a time, become a tutor today.
2. Flexible hours
We would all love to have control over our time and the distance we travel to work, but very few jobs give you this flexibility. Tutoring is one of those jobs. You can make sure your student knows when is the best time for you to have a class, it is usually not hard to find the perfect time between you and your time to learn together.
3. Build a strong relationship with your students
More than a tutor or a teacher, a mentor. You get to meet and understand your students in a very different way! You know first hand when they are having a bad day and why. Tutoring goes beyond teaching a language, it is more like bonding and building long term relationships. There comes a point where you will feel comfortable giving advice to your students or even the parents of your students (depending on their age), not any kind of advice but almost life advice because they trust you and your expertise!
4. Global perspective
All of our tutors are foreigners, we build the bridge missing between locals and foreigners. TUTEEMI opens the door for you to learn first hand about Taiwanese families and their culture. This is the perfect opportunity for you to share about your culture too. We want to help Taiwan become more international and you can be part of that change! Help us help Taiwan!
5. Get some extra skills
Patience, communication, time management, leadership, financial management.. And so so so many others. Tutoring is not only about you teaching, but also about you learning! You are basically your own boss, you need to make sure that your class is being effective, that expectations are being met and that you represent what a TUTEEMI tutor means.