COVID-19 Stay Safe

Updated: May 5
At TUTEEMI your safety is our top priority and we are committed to take all necessary precautions. We want to keep you, our valued customers, up to date with key information whether you are at home or working. With this in mind, we share some resources and actions you can take to keep yourself safe at all times:
Keep yourself informed
As the cases increase and measurements rapidly change around the world, you must stay informed about the latest news given by the World Health Organization (WHO) . In addition you can visit dashboards/maps such as Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Map to know on a daily basis the numbers of COVID-19 cases by country.
Stay healthy
Whether you’re at home or working, the WHO recommends to have good hygiene through washing your hands frequently or applying alcohol based sanitizers on clean hands; be aware of social distancing and people who are coughing, sneezing or showing any symptoms;and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Many myths on do’s and don’t s ‘ to prevent COVID-19 have come up, stay healthy and check all Myth busters given by WHO Click here

(Source: WHO website, April 2020)
Key resources in Taiwan
Taiwanese government and citizens have done a great job in preventing and containing the spread of COVID-19. As early as December 2019, first prevention measures were taken and public health experts activated the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). As a fast mover in banning the entry of many incoming travelers, case identification, resource allocation and quarantine protocol we must not only be proud of Taiwan but continue cooperating to hold the front line in this battle against COVID-19. Please take a look at the following resources in Taiwan to know exactly how to continue cooperating with the government and prevent further spread.
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
Be safe,