Something more important than grammar or words

從小學英文課起我們就接受了文法時態變化的洗禮,高中英文課每次第一件事情總是單字聽寫,大一學校英文考試 or 多益的第一跟第二部分永遠是單字題跟文法題。這代表在台灣長大的我們,應該已經是文法跟單字的專家了才對,那為什麼大部分的人還是覺得自己英文不夠好? 是真的都忘光了嗎?還是還有比文法跟單字更重要的東西?
Group of Words – 片語(Phrase)
片語是由一群相關的字所組成,最少兩個,來表達一個動作,一樣東西,一種感覺等等。這些相關的單字通常都會一起出現,來表達一個意思,如果用別的單字來替換,聽起來就會很怪。所以我喜歡稱它為Group of words, 聽起來比較平易近人。
例如:”Make a decision” instead of “Do a decision”; “Make a wish” instead of “Wish a Wish”. 當然別人還是聽得懂,只是可能會覺得奇怪,因為沒有人會這樣說。記住,片語不是Slang 喔!!
在日常生活對話中,一定是講句子,不會只講一個單字。一個片語要變成句子比從單字要容易得多,如果我已經有幾個片語在我頭腦裡ready 了,剩下的只要把主詞跟受詞擺對位置就行了。
Faith – have faith in someone
Come on! You can do it, I have faith in you.
Transition – transition from sleep to being awake
Opps! Sorry for my clumsiness, I was still transitioning from half-sleeping to being awake.
常常我們背單字背得很熟,但是卻不知道該怎麼搭配到句子當中。所以這邊給大家一個非常實用的建議,也是我自己一直在做的事。每當從一段話中看到不會的字想抄下來的時候,連它前後幾個字一起寫下,這樣你在筆記本上有的就會是Group of words 而不是只有單字alone. 在練習的時候一樣整個group 一起唸。這樣你絕對可以在對話中recall 這個字而且用在正確的context.
Itinerary – travel itinerary
Travel itineraries ensures that you can manage your time.
Quintessential – quintessential job
Being a management consultant is a quintessential job for MBA graduates.
1000個最常用的英文單字有一半以上的時候都是以他們慣用的形式出現, i.e. Group of words. 習慣使用這些常用語之後你的用字會更精確,省掉在腦海裡中翻英的過程,密免錯誤的用詞搭配,and sound more like a native speaker!!
片語比單字更不能用死背的。我甚至可以大膽預測,如果沒有用過,是不會記住的。在對話中用的越多次,就記得越深。 因為我們不是只去記字母,而是整個用語連同對話中的場景一起記憶,包含畫面,聲音,情感。而一段記憶包含越多感官通常可以維持的越長久越清晰。
自己跟自己對話,是學任何語言都不能缺少的過程,也只有在習慣跟自己對話後,才有可能進一步地用英文思考。如果一開始實在很難起齒,寫日記也是非常推薦的方法喔!在這些對話中,無論是跟別人或是跟自己,進可能involve 一些新的片語跟單字,來加深記憶。越多次越好,那些越容易忘記的,就越要拿出來用!
以下是一些English Native Speakers 常說的慣用語,如果有看到一些你還沒用過的,就趕緊拿紙跟筆抄下來吧!
1. Slow down
Slow down please, there’s a speed camera out there.
2. Look after
I need to look after my sugar intake.
3. Apply into
The most important thing is to apply what you’ve learned into your daily life.
4. Argue with
I’m not going to argue with that.
5. Based on
We get paid based on how many videos we produce in a month.
6. Behind you
Just remember when you need someone to turn to, I’m always behind you.
7. Opt for
I opted for an easier path in the university, that’s why I’m studying hard to pay back.
8. Make a call
Now it’s time to make a call. Mcdonalds or Subway?
9. Couldn’t care less
Yea she does whatever she wants, and I couldn’t care less.
10. In case
In case we fail, they can replace us and keep fighting.
11. Certain ways
Obviously there’re certain ways to put the yarn through the smallest hole but no body knows how.
12. Plan B
Rule number 1 – know your plan well. Rule number 2 – always make sure there is a Plan B.
13. Chances are (that)
Chances are (that) they might not even make it to the 2nd round.
14. Go ahead
Yes please go ahead, I have no concerns. Thank you!
15. Under control
Chill, chill, everything is under control.
16. A cup of tea
A cup of tea in the morning is a must.
17. Go over
Let’s have a quick call in 5 minutes to go over our plans for this weekend.
18. Life and Death
I almost got hit by a speeding taxi on my way here, it was truly a life and death moment for me…
19. Early on
So I took the trash out early on.
20. Grab a coffee
Go grab yourself a coffee before the training!
21. Take your time
Tale your time, I’ll wait for you!
22. Stick around
I’ll stick around so just call me when you finish.
23. Chip away
Chipping away from screen technologies 2 hours before bed time increases the quality of sleep significantly.
24. Chip in
I remember we each chipped in 130NT for her birthday cake last year.
25. God bless you
See you next week, God bless you!
看完了這些,有沒有讓你想到一些Group of words 是已經成為你腦中的Default,一遇到類似的情況就會不假思索地講出來呢? 如果有,CONGRATULATIONS! You are on the right track! 你現在要做的就是增加這些Default庫存,讓講英文成為your second nature! 今天學到的片語,你最喜歡哪一句?舉一個例子在底下的留言告訴我吧!